BOOKCLUB : The Loveliest Chocolate shop in paris

March Read

I've just finished this book last night and I loved every bit of it. I'm a big fan of Jenny Colgan. I've collected almost, if not all, of her novels in the Life is Sweet with Jenny Colgan series.

This novel is about Anna Trent and her new adventure in Paris, after her life took a drastic 360 degrees turn thanks to a freak accident at her workplace. She used to work at an industrial scale chocolate factory, lived in little Kidinsborough all her life, is 30 years old, and has never ever been to Paris before.

That has all changed once she was offered the chance of a lifetime to work for the best chocolatier in all of Paris, at his shop in Ile de La Cite, in the middle of Paris. Very skeptical and feeling very much an outsider at first, Anna slowly blends in with the pace of the city. She meets new people, makes new friends, and finally feels very at ease in the beautiful city.

The novel also delves into the story of Claire. The woman responsible for the twist in Anna's story. Claire is very sick and dying, and she has a final wish they need to fulfill - going to Paris for the final time.

I love how the novel is really funny in most parts, but then is also able to switch into heart wrenching, tear-jerking moments. Especially those moments when Claire is obviously having a goodbye moment with the people most dear to her.

I mean, how can this not make your heart just stop for a second?? 

I'm rating this novel to be a 10/10 because there's absolutely nothing to take the marks out for! It's even got a list of chocolate recipes at the back. Highly recommended.

For those of you interested, you can get a copy via the links below.

The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris - Jenny Colgan

Other Jenny Colgan titles:

Since MCO is extended, it's probably the best time for most of us to catch up on some reading! But I think as is the case for most stores, there might be some delay on deliveries due to movement restrictions, so do take that into consideration too before placing your order.


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