TEA JOURNAL : Mlesna Rose Tea

Mlesna Rose Tea 🌹

Bought this on our latest trip to Cameron Highlands earlier in January this year, before this pandemic broke out.

I first learnt about mlesna tea when I went into a tea shop in Brinchang. There were all different kinds of tea there, by several brands that's not mainstream in Malaysia. Some of them I've never even heard of before. Including Mlesna.

But I fell in love with the fun, quirky, mostly vintage packaging immediately the moment i saw them. Mlesna offers a wide variety of tea, and quite a lot of them are packaged in fun vintage inspired themes. I definitely enjoyed browsing through their collection!

So from the vast range of different kinds of tea available there, i chose a small box of pu-erh tea since it's on sale (and i've always been curious), and an additional teeny box of Mlesna Rose Tea - just to try.

It took me a few months to finally open this box, though. That's usually what happens. Most of the time I will only go for my favourite comfort tea; jasmine green tea or plain black tea.

But today, the cool rainy evening had me wanting a hot cup of tea. I was also feeling rather adventurous so I finally decided to try the tea.

At first I was skeptical. Because on the box is stated that it's ceylon tea infused with natural rose extracts, and not a rose tisane. I'm not sure how I'll like the taste of rose extract, but I chose to give it the benefit of the doubt.

So while it's steeping, the rose aroma was quite strong and I was worried the flavour would be too overpowering and I might not like it. I was even ready to settle with not liking the tea.

But when i finally took a sip, I was very pleasantly surprised. I actually loved it. The rose flavour is mildly sweet and milky, and there's a strong, brisk bitter punch from the black tea. It's actually perfect!

So the verdict? I LOVE IT. I WILL BUY MORE. But when can we go to Cameron Highlands again? Who knows? I'm starting to miss the cool highlands so terribly now :(

Steeping tips:
  • steep teabag in hot boiling water for 3-4 minutes and remove from water.
  • i added about 2 tsp sugar 

I'm already thinking of all the tea I'm buying from the shop as I'm typing. Can't wait to go on a tea shopping spree in Cameron Highlands again! BUT WHEN THOUGH *cries in corner


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